
You ever wonder what to buy, but don't want to be out of style ?Well This is my  blog and it will be providing you with the newest fashion and other things that teens want and what some teens already have !

Monday, June 14, 2010

The North Face.

All teens want a North Face Book bag now-a-days.Also teens want to buy
their jackets. I don't know whats so special about them ... teens just want
them.In addition to Book bags, the North Face sell jackets, clothes, tents
and other camping equipment. This company mainly sell camping equipment and I
know they was shocked when their sales went up.

Their book bags cost about 70 dollars all the way up to about 150
dollars. The stores don't really use the real price but in big stores like
Macy's, they do. All stores is trying to sell their book bags to make money on
things teens are going to buy. Dr.jays started selling them and even the Chinese
stores in china town is selling the fake ones..lol These book bags have a lot of
pockets and a lot of space to put extra books or what ever you want to put in
it. The only bad thing about these book bags is, the material make it a little
bit heavier ! These book bags got funny names with them , like Jester and Hot
Shot and for the ladies Pandora and Isabella.

Next, the North Face have Jackets coats and sweaters for the any season. The thing
about their clothes is it is thick and it is made to keep you warm in the
mountains. I know you are thinking in your head... how do Mike know this... I
just do, don't ask questions. Me personally, I like their jackets because, when
it is cold and your sweater is not that big and it is North Face, people ask...
Yo you not cold ?....obviously not ! The North Face is not cheep and their jackets coast about 80 dollars to about 200 dollars.

Yeah, its about that time again. This might be my last post for a while but I'm not going to be gone for ever ! If you liked my post you can leave a comment on my Blog or send me a email... Miketomlin05@gmail.com.... later ! signing out

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